Chief Operating Officer Message

Every healthcare establishment has its own, unique, set of opportunities and challenges in its management. And that is what makes my role an exciting one.

The needs of patients are clearly a priority to any healthcare organization. But they are not easily met with human skill alone. 

Ensuring the procurement and the management of the five Ms - money, manpower, machines, materials, and methods – is an ongoing activity that keeps us motivated. 

Availability of appropriate and up-to-date technologies and regular supplies are critical for medical and surgical procedures, especially in emergencies. And best laid plans and processes may fail, if adequate contingency thinking is not employed. The environmental uncertainties and upheavals make it all the more difficult to employ such thinking. 

On the one hand, there is the rapid growth of ‘data science’, and the storing, retrieving, analyzing, and disseminating of data to key decision makers is becoming better and better, but yet complex. On the other hand, the ‘logistics’ of ensuring an optimum level of key items in the warehouse, with mathematical models is becoming efficient, but supply chain management is a very valuable but difficult function. Our hospital information systems are continuously improved upon.

We not only ensure that we comply with policies of the regulatory bodies, but also go the extra mile to care for the community; by our outreach events that take medical care to the less-privileged. 

Robust processes help in access management; and in the smooth flow of information between the front line and the teams in the call centre, the command centre, and the customer care. Employee Engagement is another area which is regularly measured and on the feedback of which appropriate actions are taken.

Our team’s efforts, in increasing operational efficiency, are therefore always ongoing. They are regularly reviewed and improved upon. The focus being the availability of all that is required by our clinical staff so that patient needs are met, in a timely and efficient manner.

Our mission remains paramount. That is the ultimate aim of all our operations planning and implementation. We aim to give exemplary patient experience. 

Every patient who comes to our doors for care would be treated with grace, compassion and love. 

Peter Kennedy

COO – King Hamad American Mission Hospital
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