This is a part of the ENT Department.
Speech Therapy and counselling services are available for young children with hearing and speech difficulties; and also for adults.
Audiology screening and assessment in a sound-proof room for people of all ages – from babies to aged adults - is available 8.00 am to 10:00 pm
Tests and Assessments:
- The Otoacoustic Emissions (OAE) test: It records the sounds that the ear produces to test how well your inner ear, or cochlea, works. A tiny microphone and a speaker are put into the ear canal for this test.
- Neonatal screening for deafness: Universal neonatal screening for all the babies born in our hospital.
- Speech assessment: Testing what people say and how well they understand words / language
- Voice analysis and therapy: Endo laryngoscopy by ENT physicians and voice care counselling by the Speech therapists.